When you join Resilient Femme

you are saying yes to being  visible and reciprocally compensated for your services

because the world needs you in your power and it's your resilient woman era
What is it?

Spiritual business guidance for leaders, entrepreneurs, facilitators, healers, visionaries, trailblazers, psychics for the New Earth and CEOs who are here to shift the paradigm. Activate your Higher Timeline with the support of leaders in spiritual business with decades of experience and integrity.

If you're ready for deep feminine activations and advanced spiritual conversations in an energetically attuned space, this is the community you've been looking for to further validate your sacred work.

We need the energies of the dark feminine to anchor in more of the light. Like Kali who is born from Durga's third eye, it's the fierce feminine that allows us to surrender forward into her embrace, and balance the energies on the planet.

Saturn is in Pisces, Pluto is in Aquarius and it’s a whole new era.

It’s the Era of the Mystic Millionaire

It’s the Season of the Wildly Paid Witch

It’s the Age of Aquarian Collaborations that are Potent AF

What it's not:

There’s no fluff or spiritual bypass in this programme. We get real, down and deep from a place of expansive love and reverence for the feminine life-giving force: The most powerful energy on the planet. This is a courageous place to enter for the brave of heart. Without the dark feminine women stay in their easy to manipulate, and people pleasing mode & nothing changes.

How We Do it?:

Facilitators supporting you in close proximity to understand your unique gifts and role here for the Great Awakening. Live Calls are Tuesdays on zoom. Coaching days are Thursdays inside Telegram. Access to the group for one year, with re-activations at significant portal moments. Next live round autumn eclipse season September-October

Who is it?

This is a collaborative group programme led by Claudia Spahr (HolyMama) with co-facilitators

Spring 2024: Instant Access to Live Recordings with Monica Pelayo (shadow work), Vanessa Codorniu (BizBruja), LiYing Lim (When Still Waters Speak), Sophia Constantine (ADHD witch) & Rachel Star (Cosmic Queen).

Autumn 2024: Facilitators to be announced.

Bonus Trainings include:

The Dark Goddess, Deep Femme Archetypes, Liberating Shadow-work, HerStory, Source + Womb Creation Codes, Embodied Wealth, from Separated to Whole, Leading Groups In-Person + Online, Healing Personal and Collective Trauma plus more we're releasing as the programme is live.

See all the details and FAQ here:

regular programme price €2222

  • Total payment
  • 1xResilient Femme€222

All prices in EUR

Contact information

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Get 13 Moons of Mastery Activations

Special one-time offer, only €44 instead €333
All 13 Classes plus the 12.12 Portal Call

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!
